Freshness Date - 15:45 EDT,September 16, 2007

Chapters of The Guns of Two Space, due October 2007
Feb 1, 2007
Hits: 3901
Chapter 1
Mar 19, 2007
Hits: 2310
Chapter 2
Apr 15, 2007
Hits: 1946
Chapter 3
May 24, 2007
Hits: 1752
Chapter 4
Jul 14, 2007
Hits: 1686
Chapter 5
Sep 16, 2007
Hits: 1635
Chapter 6
Hits: N/A
Chapter 7
Hits: N/A

      By very special arrangement with Dave Grossman and Bob Hudson, I have added their upcoming novel The Guns of Two Space to the samples site.

      The Guns of Two Space is the sequel to The Two Space War.

All text formatting errors are wholly the fault of Bob Hudson (sorry, I had to blame someone, and you emailed me before Dave.)

Why am I doing this?



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