The Missing Volume
Vexxarr. © Hunter Cressall. Used with permission. (41 of 69 images/Vexxarr)

Random pithy quote: History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.

Site Notice: December 11, 2023, 10:57 am

      Just figured I'd put something up to again prove to everyone that I still know the passwords.
      Not a whole lot going on. Not seeing anything in the snippage department.
      I tried to con 'That Weber Guy' into dropping me some scraps.
      I may have his email wrong... again.
      Or, I may have annoyed him too much, once or twice. O:-)
      Honestly, that crack I made about Governor wasn't that bad.
      Was it? O:-)

Site Notice: December 12, 2022, 7:23 pm

      Just figured I'd put something up to prove to everyone that I still know the passwords.
      Not a whole lot going on. Not seeing anything in the snippage department.
      I need to take another stab at conning... I mean, convincing, 'That Weber Guy' to drop me some scraps.

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