The Missing Volume
Vexxarr. © Hunter Cressall. Used with permission. (63 of 69 images/Vexxarr)

Random pithy quote: The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty.

Site Notice: December 11, 2023, 10:57 am

      Just figured I'd put something up to again prove to everyone that I still know the passwords.
      Not a whole lot going on. Not seeing anything in the snippage department.
      I tried to con 'That Weber Guy' into dropping me some scraps.
      I may have his email wrong... again.
      Or, I may have annoyed him too much, once or twice. O:-)
      Honestly, that crack I made about Governor wasn't that bad.
      Was it? O:-)

Site Notice: December 12, 2022, 7:23 pm

      Just figured I'd put something up to prove to everyone that I still know the passwords.
      Not a whole lot going on. Not seeing anything in the snippage department.
      I need to take another stab at conning... I mean, convincing, 'That Weber Guy' to drop me some scraps.

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