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Russian Amerika: Chapter Sixty Five

       Last updated: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:34 EDT



65 - The Presidio, San Francisco, Republic of California

    "I don't care if we're with them or against them!" Colonel Bernard Jackson said to the officers around the mahogany table. "But we pulled Colonel Grigorievich out of his command and we have to get him back, now!"

    "May I remind the colonel," a frosty-faced admiral said, "that he is the junior officer in the room and here only at our invitation and sufferance."

    Benny forced himself to remain quiet. Telling this old windbag where to put it would only exacerbate the situation.

    "Be careful Admiral Clyde," a three-star ROC Air Force General said, ".or he might throw you outside in the dead of winter."

    Benny felt his face grow warm as the all the men and one woman present laughed. He realized there was nothing further to be gained here and stiffened to attention.

    "Colonel Jackson requests permission to leave, sir."

    General of the Army Davidson waved him toward a chair. "Take a seat, Benny, we're just getting started. In my opinion it took a lot of balls to do what you did, then admit it in front of a tribunal, and still walk away with your head and rank intact."

    "Thank you, General. But Colonel Grigorievich was correct, I should have just shot the bitch rather than sink to her level. Not to mention that Grisha also wouldn't be our defacto prisoner when he is urgently needed at home."

    "He's not a prisoner," Admiral Ramona Clyde snapped. "He is a guest of the Republic of California. We're going to give him military aid for crissake."

    Benny perked up. This was new.

    "Indeed, Admiral, when?"

    "That's why you're here, Colonel Jackson," General Davidson said. "You know the situation up there, what should we send?"

    "Fighter wings, airborne troops, artillery, and armor, all with lots of ammunition, that should do it, General."

    "You are aware that New Spain is moving troops and warships up from the south and British Canada is doing the same from the north, yes?" Admiral Clyde's voice could quick-freeze a tree, Benny thought. "Not to mention that when we dispatch military personnel to Russian America we will be at war with them, too. "Russia has a small but modern navy with which to threaten our shores. So what would you have us do, what should we keep here at home for defense?"

    "The fleet and the fleet air wings, Admiral. You could deploy the marines against the enemy land forces. I have heard many times from their very lips that one marine is worth five soldiers." He shrugged and kept his smile hidden. "I should think that would do it nicely."

    Color rose in the Admiral's cheeks. Marine General Louis Cole broke his silence with a near growl. "Is that a challenge, Colonel? Or are you making a joke?"

    "Only repeating what I've heard, General."

    "Okay, enough of this screwing around," General Burgett, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said. "We're sending the 3rd Airborne and the 117th Fighter Squadron. Do you want to head up a Special Forces unit and go with?"

    "Thank you, General," Benny's heart seemed about to burst through his dress jacket, "I'd love to do just that!"

    "Then get your ass out of here and have at, you've got 18 hours."

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