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Russian Amerika: Chapter Thirty Two

       Last updated: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 19:52 EST



32 - Outside the Walls of Chena Redoubt

    Static issued from the radio speaker while the assault team waited, shifting from foot to foot and scratching imaginary itches. A light click sounded and the hum of a carrier wave took over.

    "Somebody just switched to our frequency," James, the radioman, said. He didn't look up from the dials, knobs, and read-outs in front of him. The small shelter grew quiet as all six occupants stilled and unconsciously held their breath.

    The radio hissed impotently.

    "Maybe they've captured her and she told them the frequency," Paul whispered, "and they're trying to hear us."

    "Quiet!" Nathan whispered back.

    The speaker clicked and a strained voice carried easily to all of them.

    "Cora is, she says to come now, quickly." Another click and silence filled the carrier wave.

    All eyes centered on Nathan. He ignored them and began rubbing his temples. After thirty long seconds he put his hands in his lap and stared at James.

    "I'm pretty sure that was Heron. Signal Assault Force Two. Tell them it's a go."

    James keyed the mike twice and spoke clearly.

    "Chena Two, this is Chena One. Go. I repeat. Go."

    Throughout the town of Chena separate squads of the Dena' Army went into action. The main gate of Chena Redoubt lost its guards within seconds of the radio message. Weapons appeared and men and women poured into the compound to spread across the parade ground.

    As hoped, the majority of the personnel were at this moment going north at speed on a rescue mission. Only a skeleton force remained to garrison the redoubt. Nearly 40 fighters streamed silently toward the offices, garages, barracks, and other support buildings when the sergeant of the guard stepped out of his office to make his rounds.

    The noise of his weapon burst the bubble of silence. He killed one man and wounded two others before going down under immediate concentrated fire. Gunfire, screams, curses, and explosions filled the stone enclosure.

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